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dr garcia adjusting young patient

Pediatric Chiropractic at
Burlington Chiropractic INC

Whether you had a C-section or vaginal delivery, the twisting, turning, and pulling of birth can set babies up for dysfunction from day one. At Burlington Chiropractic INC, we address subluxations early to decrease kids’ risk of chronic pain and dysfunction. Many of the problems adults start dealing with in their 20s, 30s, and 40s were already there in childhood—they just weren’t causing the same symptoms then.

Conditions We See

Subluxations that cause back pain, neck pain, or headaches in adults often show up as ear infections or bedwetting in a child. Our care can help with the following:

  • ADHD
  • Asthma
  • Bedwetting
  • Colic
  • Constipation
  • Difficulty focusing
  • Digestive issues
  • Ear infections
  • Sleep problems

Doctor's hands around boy

Changing Your Child’s Trajectory

For Dr. Garcia, helping kids achieve better health isn’t just rewarding—it’s fun! We love investing in the next generation and watching entire families thrive.

One family brought us their baby when medications, injections, and tubes in his ears didn’t help. He struggled with colic, reflux, and difficulty sleeping. After we started with adjustments, the baby slept better, ate well, kept food down, and had regular bowel movements. Now both sets of his grandparents see us regularly, and they’re still excited about his excellent health.

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens at the first appointment?

We’ll get a detailed history of your child’s health, including any traumas or falls, plus an exam. We only do X-rays when necessary.

What do adjustments for kids look like?

The Activator Method® is our go-to technique for kids, as it involves no twisting or popping. We may also use Diversified adjustments or the Thompson Technique. For newborns, we use our fingertips, applying the same light pressure you’d use to check the ripeness of an avocado.

How do you help kids who are feeling nervous?

We’re great at helping kids see that this is a happier encounter than going to the doctor, with no scary shots or pain. Our doctors create such a fun environment that many kids eagerly jump onto the table to get adjusted.

Schedule Today

We love improving kids’ health, so they can achieve more in life. Book now.


Pediatric Chiropractic Burlington NC | (336) 584-9932